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Serving professionals

Rencontres du tourisme croisien

Since 2017, as the season draws to a close, the Tourist Office has been keen to showcase all the region’s economic players. To do this, it organises the Rencontres du Tourisme Croisien. The aim is to provide an informal, friendly opportunity to meet up, look back on the season and talk to other professionals. It’s an opportunity for professionals from the Croisières tourist industry to share their impressions of the season, raise any issues they have encountered, and talk about their expectations and those of their customers.

Croisien, je m’y emploi/e

Since 2023, the Tourist Office has been organising a ‘job dating’ event 100% Made in La Croix Valmer: Croisien, je m’y EMPLOIe. Nearly 25 professionals from La Croix Valmer are taking part in this unique event. A friendly, informal atmosphere, exchanges between professionals and the participation of institutions such as France Travail, Cap Emploi 83 and the Mission locale.

rencontres du tourisme la croix valmer tourisme office de tourisme
rencontres du tourisme la croix valmer tourisme office de tourisme éditions
rencontres du tourisme la croix valmer tourisme office de tourisme
rencontres du tourisme la croix valmer tourisme office de tourisme

Become a partner

To promote the image of your activity, La Croix Valmer Tourisme has the most up-to-date and efficient communication tools. Becoming a partner means that you will be able to benefit from these tools to promote your activity and increase your visibility !

Quality Labels & Procedures

The Qualité Tourisme™ mark is the only State mark awarded to tourism professionals for the quality of their welcome and services. The Var Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI du Var) offers support to professionals wishing to apply for the mark, including personalised assistance, preparation for the audit, promotion of the establishment bearing the mark, etc.

partenariat office de tourisme devenir partenaire

Created in 2015, the Esprit Parc national brand is shared by the economic players in France’s ten national parks. It is designed to support and promote economic, tourist and agricultural activities that respect and enhance local heritage.

Created in 2009, the Vignobles & Découvertes label is awarded to a wine tourism destination offering a wide range of complementary tourist products (accommodation, restaurants, cellar visits, events, etc.) to help customers organise their stay and direct them to qualified services.