balade randonnée promenade pédestre cap lardier cap taillat nature environnement que faire visiter que visiter local guide espace protégé parc national panorama conservatoire du littoral sentier histoire mer plage sentier du littoral sentier des douaniers point de vue crête famille enfant sable rivage côte débarquement handiplage navette gratuite estivale bateaux iles d'or porquerolles port cros poste de secours plagistes restaurant commerces bouée centre nautique voile nautique parachute pédalo sylvabelle escalier naturelle surveillée héraclée paddle gigaro ponton embarcadère jovat crocodile marin snorkeling brouis sentier accompagnée briande stationnement parking
Holidays is all about resting… and that s hard work !
Vincent Gury
Mission 1 day, 1 beach!! La Croix Valmer has no less than 12 km of coastline that you can discover as you stroll along the coastal or forest paths. You have chosen to spend your holidays by the Mediterranean sea, you are going to discover many wonderful things ! Put on your best swimsuit and your sunglasses, prepare your bag and put your flip-flops on your feet… While waiting for the day you leave for your holiday, get some ideas of what to do and see in our practical guide!