Mediterranean flora and vegetation

Nature and relaxation ( Theme week ) - La Croix-Valmer

Booking from September 10, 2024

Guided nature walk to discover the Mediterranean flora of Cap Lardier and the job of a monitor.

Wednesday 25 September 2024 between 9 am and 12 pm.

Booking from September 10, 2024

Guided nature walk to discover the Mediterranean flora of Cap Lardier and the job of a monitor.

Entrée du Domaine du Cap Lardier
Plage de Gigaro
83420 La Croix-Valmer

Free of charge.

Booking Direct
+33 (0)4 94 55 12 12

Reservation the day before at the latest.

Reservation the day before at the latest.

  • Children
  • Level bue - Medium
  • Groupe size maximum : 15